Downgrading FAQ
For those who have been trying to keep up with the downgrader news know it can be quite difficult to tell what is right and wrong. sraphin from our forums has made ?The Official Downgrader Topic? to alleviate the recent flood in speculations and help make sense of it all. To quote an excerpt from this very well written thread: ?
Let’s make one thing clear: this is not a “beg for downgrade” or “when it will come out” topic. This is THE topic that will clear the current doubts on the downgrade.
Let’s start with the basics:
Q: What is a “downgrade” ?
A: It’s a method or program that will allow replacing a newer firmware with an old firmware.
Q: Do you have downgraders for PSP?
A: No! 3 downgrade types are plausible: software / hardware /method. Software is a program you run with the purpose of reflashing the device (in this case the PSP) WAB and PSP-DEV are working on one. Hardware is a physical device you attach in some way to the console and will reset it. Downgrade method are steps to make in order like swap and such to fool the console. At the moment, software (and maybe hardware) downgrade are being prepared and will surface soon.
Q: Where can I find any downgrade?
Among the fakes:
– “Connect the pc to console and use the ipod software (music erasing tool) to clean the firmware from the psp. Use the ipods firmware flasher and select version 1.5 to reflash the psp.” – Found on a txt on edonkey. fake & false. There is no ipod music erasing tool other than iTunes. The hacked ipod “cleaner tool” will erase (as testimonials stated [I didn’t test]). There is simply no way (the ipod firmware flasher doesn’t recognize the firmware format of the psp nor the psp being connected) if you manage to erase the psp completely via ipod’s software there is no way to put it back. Brick PSP.
– Memory card swap: One memory card with 2.0(hex edited to 2.01) upgrade and in the other an 1.5 upgrade. Swap on White PSP screen.- Appeared remotely over some forums. – Fake, gives “Newer version is installed” error.
– Sargeant007 method of UMD swap – Start One UMD with 2.0 upgrade, swap for another with 1.5 upgrade when the “ac power cord is not plugged” screen. Fake and stupid. Shows an error when you open the umd to do the swap and exits the “upgrade”. (I tested and failed)
– Sargeant007 method of UMD swap (continued). You add a tape stick on the umd pin detector, to prevent the message “umd case open”. – FAKE AND BRICKS THE PSP. (I tested and bricked my first model)
– Official_WAB_Downgrader_v0.9_for_PSP_1.5_2.0.rar – <– found on edonkey networks. It’s fake, and does not work. Will not brick the psp though. It will merely say error. (tested myself)?
You can read and discuss the entire thread for yourself [here].
Thanks for this excellent FAQ sraphin!
For those who have been trying to keep up with the downgrader news know it can be quite difficult to tell what is right and wrong. sraphin from our forums has made ?The Official Downgrader Topic? to alleviate the recent flood in speculations and help make sense of it all. To quote an excerpt from this very well written thread: ?
Let’s make one thing clear: this is not a “beg for downgrade” or “when it will come out” topic. This is THE topic that will clear the current doubts on the downgrade.
Let’s start with the basics:
Q: What is a “downgrade” ?
A: It’s a method or program that will allow replacing a newer firmware with an old firmware.
Q: Do you have downgraders for PSP?
A: No! 3 downgrade types are plausible: software / hardware /method. Software is a program you run with the purpose of reflashing the device (in this case the PSP) WAB and PSP-DEV are working on one. Hardware is a physical device you attach in some way to the console and will reset it. Downgrade method are steps to make in order like swap and such to fool the console. At the moment, software (and maybe hardware) downgrade are being prepared and will surface soon.
Q: Where can I find any downgrade?
Among the fakes:
– “Connect the pc to console and use the ipod software (music erasing tool) to clean the firmware from the psp. Use the ipods firmware flasher and select version 1.5 to reflash the psp.” – Found on a txt on edonkey. fake & false. There is no ipod music erasing tool other than iTunes. The hacked ipod “cleaner tool” will erase (as testimonials stated [I didn’t test]). There is simply no way (the ipod firmware flasher doesn’t recognize the firmware format of the psp nor the psp being connected) if you manage to erase the psp completely via ipod’s software there is no way to put it back. Brick PSP.
– Memory card swap: One memory card with 2.0(hex edited to 2.01) upgrade and in the other an 1.5 upgrade. Swap on White PSP screen.- Appeared remotely over some forums. – Fake, gives “Newer version is installed” error.
– Sargeant007 method of UMD swap – Start One UMD with 2.0 upgrade, swap for another with 1.5 upgrade when the “ac power cord is not plugged” screen. Fake and stupid. Shows an error when you open the umd to do the swap and exits the “upgrade”. (I tested and failed)
– Sargeant007 method of UMD swap (continued). You add a tape stick on the umd pin detector, to prevent the message “umd case open”. – FAKE AND BRICKS THE PSP. (I tested and bricked my first model)
– Official_WAB_Downgrader_v0.9_for_PSP_1.5_2.0.rar – <– found on edonkey networks. It’s fake, and does not work. Will not brick the psp though. It will merely say error. (tested myself)?
You can read and discuss the entire thread for yourself [here].
Thanks for this excellent FAQ sraphin!