Downloadable content for Beautiful Katamari available, new missions for Asia, Japan

Beautiful Katamari for Xbox 360 - Image 1The Xbox Live downloadable content for Namco Bandai‘s Beautiful Katamari for the Xbox 360 is now out, with a new Royal Rainbow-themed Dashboard theme available for the following regions: Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Singapore, Taiwan, and the US. The theme costs 150 Microsoft Points and is non-refundable.

New in-game content for the Prince’s rolling adventures on the Xbox 360 are also available, in the form of four new missions:

  • Milky Way Constellations – Roll up 88 constellations to create the Milky Way
  • The Weaver Girl – Roll up a huge ball of yarn and string to create Vega, the Weaver Girl
  • Shopping Spree – Make a Space Station but be thrifty about it; sounds like an offshoot of a Katamari mission from one of the previous games where the value of the items collected are taken into account
  • High-calorie Katamari – Feed Cetus the Whale, roll up lots of food!

Certainly exciting new content, and Katamari fans will immediately take a liking to these new missions. The catch? The first three missions are available in Asia only, while the last mission, High-calorie Katamari, is a Japan-exclusive. Which means there’s no downloadable Katamari action for the rest of the world…well, at least for now.

Of course, they may get released to other regions. More updates as they come!

Beautiful Katamari for Xbox 360 - Image 1The Xbox Live downloadable content for Namco Bandai‘s Beautiful Katamari for the Xbox 360 is now out, with a new Royal Rainbow-themed Dashboard theme available for the following regions: Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Singapore, Taiwan, and the US. The theme costs 150 Microsoft Points and is non-refundable.

New in-game content for the Prince’s rolling adventures on the Xbox 360 are also available, in the form of four new missions:

  • Milky Way Constellations – Roll up 88 constellations to create the Milky Way
  • The Weaver Girl – Roll up a huge ball of yarn and string to create Vega, the Weaver Girl
  • Shopping Spree – Make a Space Station but be thrifty about it; sounds like an offshoot of a Katamari mission from one of the previous games where the value of the items collected are taken into account
  • High-calorie Katamari – Feed Cetus the Whale, roll up lots of food!

Certainly exciting new content, and Katamari fans will immediately take a liking to these new missions. The catch? The first three missions are available in Asia only, while the last mission, High-calorie Katamari, is a Japan-exclusive. Which means there’s no downloadable Katamari action for the rest of the world…well, at least for now.

Of course, they may get released to other regions. More updates as they come!

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