Draenei dropped out of Alliance quest again

The Draenei of the Alliance - Image 1It seems that a few days ago, an issue developed in the World of Warcraft gameplay that denied Draenei of a path of quests that is worth a wad of experience. How much, you ask? Does 55k ring an alarm bell? Yikes! As if the “Flute of Xavaric” quest issue wasn’t enough, now the Alliance-specific quest “A Crumpled Up Note” shuns the Draenei from grabbing the Onyxia Key.

While Blizzard has both issues flagged in their bug database, it’s only a hope that the next patch could resolve this issue. Blizzard had the time to patch up the Pally gear drops before the Expansion popped out, but couldn’t quite make sure that the Draenei are tagged as Alliance for their Alliance-only quests.

There are also issues with the necklace of Uldaman for the Horde – Horde members can pick up the necklace, but not without an error message. Lucky them, at least it drops.

Via WoW Forums

The Draenei of the Alliance - Image 1It seems that a few days ago, an issue developed in the World of Warcraft gameplay that denied Draenei of a path of quests that is worth a wad of experience. How much, you ask? Does 55k ring an alarm bell? Yikes! As if the “Flute of Xavaric” quest issue wasn’t enough, now the Alliance-specific quest “A Crumpled Up Note” shuns the Draenei from grabbing the Onyxia Key.

While Blizzard has both issues flagged in their bug database, it’s only a hope that the next patch could resolve this issue. Blizzard had the time to patch up the Pally gear drops before the Expansion popped out, but couldn’t quite make sure that the Draenei are tagged as Alliance for their Alliance-only quests.

There are also issues with the necklace of Uldaman for the Horde – Horde members can pick up the necklace, but not without an error message. Lucky them, at least it drops.

Via WoW Forums

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