Dragon Ball Online character spotlight: Vegeta

Dragon Ball Online - Image 1While the Western side of the world is all excited regarding the upcoming launch of DC Universe Online, Japan is prepping for its own MMO of superhuman proportions, courtesy of Namco Bandai’s Dragon Ball Online. Join QJ.NET as we begin our character spotlight with Dragon Ball’s most prolific bad boy: Vegeta.

For every hero, there exists a dark half commonly known as an anti-hero. Not to be mistaken for the villain, this polar opposite is oftentimes be on the hero’s side, though they can have their own personal motives, and execute the job with very a different – and often badass – approach.

Vegeta - Image 1For Superman, it’s Batman. For Naruto Uzumaki, it’s Sasuke Uchiha. For Dragon Ball’s Son Goku, it’s Vegeta. Much like the last son of Krypton, Vegeta is among the last of the powerful Saiyan race. He also has superhuman strength and flight, and is nearly invulnerable to most of earth’s weapons.

From there however, the similarities end. Vegeta first made his appearance in Dragon Ball Z as the series’ main villain, with an intent to acquire the Dragon Balls and wish for immortality. Son Goku eventually defeats him (with great difficulty however), which begins Vegeta’s role as Goku’s rival.

In time, Vegeta’s perpetual quest to defeat Goku drives him to improve his own combat abilities. As he and the rest of the Dragon Ball cast face off against ever more powerful beings however, Vegeta has on more than one occasion allied with his perceived arch nemesis to battle the threat.

From here, he slowly begins to recognize Goku as an ally, and eventually as a friend. There’s also his relationship with Bulma that reflects how much he’s softened up since his villainous debut, though we have no idea just what Bulma sees in him.

Super Saiyan level 4 - Image 1While Vegeta is constantly eclipsed by Goku’s power, he’s still a force to be reckoned with. Among other abilities, Vegeta is the first Dragon Ball character to show complete control of the otherwise unpredictable Giant Ape form.

He’s also able to achieve Super Saiyan 4, a form that can only be pulled off by Goku and Gogeta (who is technically Goku and Vegeta combined). His other trademark attacks include the Final Flash, the Big Bang Attack, and the Galick Gun.

A Dragon Ball Online trailer hints that Vegeta and Goku might be available in the game. And from the looks of it, 216 years hasn’t stifled their feuding, or their combat skills for that matter:

What sort of role will Vegeta play when Dragon Ball Online launches? We don’t know, but the prospect of meeting or even training under him in-game is certainly an honor many a fan would love to dream about. Care to learn the Big Bang Attack as an end-game signature shot?

There’s also the matter of Vegeta’s trademark Saiyan armor. He was wearing a later model during the video, hinting that players getting tired of their traditional orange Gi might be able to swap it for something in Vegeta’s wardrobe. With series creator Akira Toriyama behind the helm of this upcoming MMO, it’s anybody’s guess as to how Vegeta may figure into the the plot.

For now, this is where we end this week’s Dragon Ball Online character spotlight. Join us again next week as we focus on another one of the series’ bad boys-turned-good-guys: Piccolo.

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