Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo trailer, gameplay footages, lots of action
Now this is one Dragon Ball title you should definitely look into. Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo is a nice cartoony RPG based from the non-overpowered adventures of Goku as the little monkey boy. No Super Saiyans and take-forever-to-kill Freezas here, just the Red Ribbon Army, the wacky old characters from Dragon Ball, and the stretchy stick that Goku never needed as an adult. Check it out.
Now this is one Dragon Ball title you should definitely look into. Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo is a nice cartoony RPG based from the non-overpowered adventures of Goku as the little monkey boy. No Super Saiyans and take-forever-to-kill Freezas here, just the Red Ribbon Army, the wacky old characters from Dragon Ball, and the stretchy stick that Goku never needed as an adult. Check it out.
I really liked what I saw. Fortunately, Namco Bandai has scheduled a North American release for this game later this year, while Japan gets a head start on July 23rd.
When this game was announced: