Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Trailer
If you’ve got a hankering for some mass destruction on a super saiyan level, then you’ve probably got your eye on Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai for the PSP. The game includes almost 20 characters from the DBZ universe battling it out against a storyline adapted from the “Rebirth of Fusion” movie.This new trailer shows off the game’s slick graphics and awesome special effects.
The trailer’s also only 4MB so it’s 56K friendly!
Download: [Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Trailer]- (Quicktime)
If you’ve got a hankering for some mass destruction on a super saiyan level, then you’ve probably got your eye on Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai for the PSP. The game includes almost 20 characters from the DBZ universe battling it out against a storyline adapted from the “Rebirth of Fusion” movie.This new trailer shows off the game’s slick graphics and awesome special effects.
The trailer’s also only 4MB so it’s 56K friendly!
Download: [Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Trailer]- (Quicktime)