DS Homebrew – DS2Key v1.0
Developer Sypherce has got some good things going for his DS homebrew app, DSKey. This version has got the Guitar Hero Grip feature, thanks to the help of cualquiercosa327 with the server and client. More information and details in the full article!
Download: DS2Key v1.0
Developer Sypherce has got some good things going for his DS homebrew app, DSKey. This version has got the Guitar Hero Grip feature, thanks to the help of cualquiercosa327 with the server and client.
Now, he says he won’t be releasing binaries until it passes his standards, but he is asking for you guys to compile it from the SVN so that you can give your input on what features you would like to see in the future releases. Or if you want to help with this project, you can get the source from the SVN and contact Sypherce.
Here’s the current status of the project, in his own words:
Current Status
- The server (PC side) is either a GUI or console window (only console in Linux for now). It runs off of configuration files it generates when it first needs to use them. You are able to edit them by hand if you’re using the console version. At this point it’s undocumented, but it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out the codes if you’re able to compile it, just read through the source code a bit.
- The client (DS side) has a simple GUI at this point. tapping the top left where you see a badly drawn rotating gear you can edit the settings, which are also saved. To edit the settings just tap “[Edit]” next to the setting and it’ll bring up a keyboard, pressing enter when you’re done editing will take you back. You’ll have to change the IP for sure the first time, the default is which is invalid for everyone. Then press “[Done]” to go back to using DS2Key. at the bottom right corner is a cursor image, tapping that will lock the screen back lights on, and you’ll be able to use the mouse or mouse buttons, tapping it again will deactivate this mode.
As for the features:
- Action Buttons (Normal button input, a, b, left, right, etc)
- Exact Mouse movement (Touching the middle of the touch screen sets the cursor on the Middle of the PC screen, etc)
- Mouse Touch Screen buttons (The screen is divided into having 12 buttons working similar to the normal buttons)
- (New)Guitar Hero Grip buttons (All four buttons act the same as the normal buttons, but have their own settings)
- (New)Mouse Clicks (Left, right, and middle buttons)
- (New)Linux Support (All functions work as they do in Windows now)
- (New)Windows GUI Support (Very friendly GUI :3 )
Download: DS2Key v1.0
Via GBADev Forums