DS homebrew – DSx86 v0.22

ds-black-thumbA new version of homebrew coder Patrick Aalto’s (AKA Pate) DOS emulator project for the Nintendo DS, is now available for download. The latest update of DSx86 includes some minor enhancements and bug fixes.

Download: DSx86 v0.22



A new version of homebrew coder Patrick Aalto’s (AKA Pate) DOS emulator project for the Nintendo DS, is now available for download. The latest update of DSx86 includes some minor enhancements and bug fixes.

Developer’s note:

This version has the refactored internals, so it most likely runs some (if not all) games slower than the previous versions. It does however now support practically all real-mode 286 CPU opcodes (not including JPE and JPO which require game-specific hacks), and also unsupported graphics opcodes should now be quite rare. The graphics opcodes are now reported as Unsupported EGA opcode or Unsupported Mode-X opcode, and unlike in previous versions, you can continue after such an opcode using the B button. However, it is likely that you will get the same error again and again, so please send me the log file if you encounter unsupported graphics opcodes. If you get a plain Unsupported opcode error, it most likely means that the program is executing data instead of code, so something has gone wrong in the code before this happened, and thus it is not possible to continue running the program. Again, I am interested in the log files produced in these situations.

Besides the refactored internals, this version has various other fixes, based on many games and other programs I have been testing.

And just like our previous post, please visit the source link belwo for more info about the release and to download other necessary files of the emulator.


Download: DSx86 v0.22



Via [DSx86 Blog]

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