DS homebrew – SEGTENDO: a Dreamcast VMU emulator for Nintendo DS
Homebrew coder Deunan has released the first version of SEGTENDO, a cool Sega Dreamcast VMU (Visual Memory Unit) emulator for the Nintendo DS. More after the jump.
Download: SEGTENDO
Homebrew coder Deunan has released the first version of SEGTENDO, a cool Sega Dreamcast VMU (Visual Memory Unit) emulator for the Nintendo DS.
Developer’s note:
Be sure to go through the ReadMe file! Unfortunately it turned out that VMS is a bit of a CPU hog, too much for the poor ARM9. In the end it’s just another random piece of semi-useful homebrew 🙂 Hard to say what exactly is the limiting factor here, I’m too lazy to do any serious profiling, but seeing how it’s almost working I’d say some more MHz and/or cache would do the trick.
Download: SEGTENDO
Via [dknute’s journal]