DS homebrew – UA Paint v1.3b

ua - Image 1Homebrew coder BassAceGold has released a new update for UA Paint, a highly popular homebrew painting application for the Nintendo DS. Some of the features of the simple pixel art tool includes saving and loading of 24 bit bitmap images, zooming, multiple draw sizes, 10 pallets, typewriter mode, MP3 playback and more. The latest release is the dev’s entry in NEO Summer Coding Compo 2009.

Download: UA Paint v1.3b

UApaint - Image 1Homebrew coder BassAceGold has released a new update for UA Paint, a highly popular homebrew painting application for the Nintendo DS. Some of the features of the simple pixel art tool includes saving and loading of 24-bit bitmap images, zooming, multiple draw sizes, 10 pallets, typewriter mode, MP3 playback and more. The latest release is the dev’s entry in NEO Summer Coding Compo 2009.

Version 1.30b changelog:

  • -fixed last saved file name bug when saving more than once
  • -fixed last saved file name bug when browsing images
  • -added filled circle tool

Download: UA Paint v1.3b

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Via NeoFlash

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