DSBook-ASCII Released

EZfLASHInfluential American writer, journalists and political commentator Walter Lippman once said that “It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf.” Relevance with this article? This homebrew application, DSBook-ASCII, concocted by cory1492 is the product of him not being satisfied with M3’s “cheesy book reader” and MoonShell.

Only a talented developer could come up with an alternative because it requires wisdom to understand wisdom– whereas if he doesn’t have the skills, he’ll most likely not stop ranting about the program and that doesn’t make things any better right?

Anyway, cory1492 was kind enough to give us some time in his busy schedule to sit and get something done that the gaming community may like. The DSBook-ASCII is a book reader that is an alternative to other already exisiting programs. This one is strictly compiled with EZ4SD and SuperCard in mind, and if you’re the type who can’t sleep at night, then maybe a good book oughta do the trick, and a good book needs a good book-reader.

Download: [DSBook-ASCII]

Via cory1492

EZfLASHInfluential American writer, journalists and political commentator Walter Lippman once said that “It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf.” Relevance with this article? This homebrew application, DSBook-ASCII, concocted by cory1492 is the product of him not being satisfied with M3’s “cheesy book reader” and MoonShell.

Only a talented developer could come up with an alternative because it requires wisdom to understand wisdom– whereas if he doesn’t have the skills, he’ll most likely not stop ranting about the program and that doesn’t make things any better right?

Anyway, cory1492 was kind enough to give us some time in his busy schedule to sit and get something done that the gaming community may like. The DSBook-ASCII is a book reader that is an alternative to other already exisiting programs. This one is strictly compiled with EZ4SD and SuperCard in mind, and if you’re the type who can’t sleep at night, then maybe a good book oughta do the trick, and a good book needs a good book-reader.

Download: [DSBook-ASCII]

Via cory1492

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