DSLink v1.40
December 21, 2006
EDIY Studio has updated its DSLink software to v1.40. DSLink v1.40 works with the GBAlinkZip series GBA backup system which doubles the capacity of the DS cart adapter by compressing the functions of GBA games. The updated software features the following changelog:
- Enhanced software compatibility which fixed the screen or hanging up problem in the following games:
- Bouken Ou Beet Busters Road
Advance Wars
- Jigsaw Puzzle – Koinu Mekuri Hen
- Jigsaw Puzzle – Koneko Mekuri Hen
- Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
- Tom and Jerry Tales
- Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
- Eragon
- Tank Beat
- Ciao Dream Touch! Happy Anniversary
- Eragon
- Kabushiki Baibai Trainer Kabutore
- Fixed the saver problem of 0725
- Soft-reset function is added more hot keys choices:
- UP+Start
- Down+Start
- Moonshell embedded is updated to the latest 1.51 version
- Chinese and English game name libraries are updated to NDS:0774,GBA:2635
For more info about DSLink please visit their website.
Download: [DSLink v1.40]
Via DSLink
EDIY Studio has updated its DSLink software to v1.40. DSLink v1.40 works with the GBAlinkZip series GBA backup system which doubles the capacity of the DS cart adapter by compressing the functions of GBA games. The updated software features the following changelog:
- Enhanced software compatibility which fixed the screen or hanging up problem in the following games:
- Bouken Ou Beet Busters Road
Advance Wars
- Jigsaw Puzzle – Koinu Mekuri Hen
- Jigsaw Puzzle – Koneko Mekuri Hen
- Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
- Tom and Jerry Tales
- Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
- Eragon
- Tank Beat
- Ciao Dream Touch! Happy Anniversary
- Eragon
- Kabushiki Baibai Trainer Kabutore
- Fixed the saver problem of 0725
- Soft-reset function is added more hot keys choices:
- UP+Start
- Down+Start
- Moonshell embedded is updated to the latest 1.51 version
- Chinese and English game name libraries are updated to NDS:0774,GBA:2635
For more info about DSLink please visit their website.
Download: [DSLink v1.40]
Via DSLink