Dungeons and Dragons Online Module 5: The Accursed Ascension notes

Dungeons and Dragons Online Module 5: The Accursed Ascension notes - Image 1 The release notes for Turbine Inc’s Dungeons and Dragons Online Module 5: The Accursed Ascension have been released. The previous module focused more on new content while this seems to be geared towards implementing bug fixes, resolving gameplay balance issues, as well as upgrading the game’s engine a bit.

The developers have removed the /death command exploit that some players have been using. A character who uses this command will now be automatically brought back to its bindpoint upon dying. Another fix that mages and bards will really appreciate is the fact that monsters will now stop attacking if they are under the effects of a hold spell.

With regards to game balancing, the patch notes announced that temporary hitpoints from Aid and Mass Aid spells will no longer stack. In addition, invisible or hiding monsters cannot be tab or tilde selected unless a player can detect the monster with the Spot or Listen skills.

The in-game engine has been upgrade so players should be able to see a boost in the game’s graphics, client performance, network performance, and even water shaders. Most of the engine bugs have also been fixed so we can expect less of the ghosting and random artifacts that would pop up every so often.

There were more changes that were implemented in the latest module which you can read up on via our Read Link below.

Dungeons and Dragons Online Module 5: The Accursed Ascension notes - Image 1 The release notes for Turbine Inc’s Dungeons and Dragons Online Module 5: The Accursed Ascension have been released. The previous module focused more on new content while this seems to be geared towards implementing bug fixes, resolving gameplay balance issues, as well as upgrading the game’s engine a bit.

The developers have removed the /death command exploit that some players have been using. A character who uses this command will now be automatically brought back to its bindpoint upon dying. Another fix that mages and bards will really appreciate is the fact that monsters will now stop attacking if they are under the effects of a hold spell.

With regards to game balancing, the patch notes announced that temporary hitpoints from Aid and Mass Aid spells will no longer stack. In addition, invisible or hiding monsters cannot be tab or tilde selected unless a player can detect the monster with the Spot or Listen skills.

The in-game engine has been upgrade so players should be able to see a boost in the game’s graphics, client performance, network performance, and even water shaders. Most of the engine bugs have also been fixed so we can expect less of the ghosting and random artifacts that would pop up every so often.

There were more changes that were implemented in the latest module which you can read up on via our Read Link below.

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