Dyack on one console future: “guaranteed to happen”
Too Human was originally developed for Sony‘s PlayStation back in 1999 as an action game that spans five discs, before a partnership with Nintendo made Silicon Knights work on it for the GameCube instead.
After a few more years of disappearance, a series of events led SK to the hands of Microsoft to make the game on Xbox 360. Not until recently did the game resurface – the release date still an uncertainty – but we can be sure of one thing: head honcho Denis Dyack knows his console history.
Dyack talked about “one console future” during GCDC 2007 in Leipzig, saying consoles are heading towards commoditization and differences between these gaming machines will become less important. In an interview with GameSpy, he went deeper on his thoughts about improving technology and how the next generation can actually be void of console wars.
“I think that as technologies continue to advance, the advances are becoming so strong that they diminish the differences between each console with each generation,” Dyack said. He compared the PlayStation to Nintendo 64, both introducing 3D graphics to households. For him, the difference is getting so small that we will come to a point where there won’t be discrimination of any platforms.
Like we play DVDs on any DVD player, he sees the possibility of every game being playable on any platform. No exclusives. “Everyone’s been saying for the longest time that ‘it’s all about the games.’ If it’s really all about the games, then the games will start to dominate, and the value of the hardware will become less and less important,” he said.
All these may sound convenient, but he found a lot of bad from “commoditizing” in the gaming industry. “Commoditization is a very bad thing, because the ultimate result of it is slavery,” he said.
It won’t be surprising if many find his speculations farfetched, but Dyack is quite confident with his words. He was able to say, with confidence, that “predicting the future is hard.” He continued, “But one of the things about technology and commoditization is that it’s guaranteed to happen one hundred percent.”
Via GameSpy
Too Human was originally developed for Sony‘s PlayStation back in 1999 as an action game that spans five discs, before a partnership with Nintendo made Silicon Knights work on it for the GameCube instead.
After a few more years of disappearance, a series of events led SK to the hands of Microsoft to make the game on Xbox 360. Not until recently did the game resurface – the release date still an uncertainty – but we can be sure of one thing: head honcho Denis Dyack knows his console history.
Dyack talked about “one console future” during GCDC 2007 in Leipzig, saying consoles are heading towards commoditization and differences between these gaming machines will become less important. In an interview with GameSpy, he went deeper on his thoughts about improving technology and how the next generation can actually be void of console wars.
“I think that as technologies continue to advance, the advances are becoming so strong that they diminish the differences between each console with each generation,” Dyack said. He compared the PlayStation to Nintendo 64, both introducing 3D graphics to households. For him, the difference is getting so small that we will come to a point where there won’t be discrimination of any platforms.
Like we play DVDs on any DVD player, he sees the possibility of every game being playable on any platform. No exclusives. “Everyone’s been saying for the longest time that ‘it’s all about the games.’ If it’s really all about the games, then the games will start to dominate, and the value of the hardware will become less and less important,” he said.
All these may sound convenient, but he found a lot of bad from “commoditizing” in the gaming industry. “Commoditization is a very bad thing, because the ultimate result of it is slavery,” he said.
It won’t be surprising if many find his speculations farfetched, but Dyack is quite confident with his words. He was able to say, with confidence, that “predicting the future is hard.” He continued, “But one of the things about technology and commoditization is that it’s guaranteed to happen one hundred percent.”
Via GameSpy