EA: Mirror’s Edge is 12 hours long for the normal player

Interview - Manuel Llanes - Mirror's Edge is 12 hours long - Image 1In an interview, EA’s Manual Llanes has revealed that for the average player, Mirror’s Edge is about 12 hours long. So that’s 12 hours of trying not to throw up.

Interview - Manuel Llanes - Mirror's Edge is 12 hours long - Image 1In an interview, EA Dice producer Manuel Llanes revealed that for the average player, Mirror’s Edge is about 12 hours long. So that’s 12 hours of trying not to throw up.

Llanes explains that a lot of the game involves being skilled with the controls, and that the number of routes you can take throughout the game provides the replay value:

[Controls are] easy to learn but hard to master. I’m not the best of players, especially of our testers… They can take [what is] a 40-minute level for a newcomer, and play it in seven minutes.

[…] You can play the game if you’re not super-skilled, but you can become as good as you want. [laughs] So I think it’s a long difficulty curve, but the replay is nice because you can complete a level and get the reward, then run back and get a more spectacular time.

[…] Unlike extremely open world games like Oblivion, we decided to have a focused game with a focused storyboard, a focused experience. […] If you’re a normal player, you’ll [still] enjoy it. It’s not that hard to pull of those tricks, especially because you flow with it.

Speaking of replay value, I’m really looking forward to the level editor in the sequel. Mirror’s Edge (PS3, Xbox 360) comes out next week.

Via Kikizo

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