EA predicts 2008 hardware sales, expects PS3 to be on top
In Electronic Arts‘ recently released supplemental segment information file, the prominent developer and publisher revealed its hardware sales predictions. According to the numbers, EA believes the Sony PlayStation 3 will enjoy a lead over the Microsoft Xbox 360 thanks to Europe. Find out why at the full article.
Electronic Arts released a file containing its predictions of hardware sales, and while the Nintendo Wii is still believed to sell the most consoles, the Sony PlayStation 3 appeared on top the Microsoft Xbox 360 on EA’s list expected fiscal year 2008 numbers. Most notably, EA apparently expects the Sony PS3 to be ahead of the Xbox 360 in Europe and outsell it three to one.
For the first two quarters of fiscal year 2008, Electronic Arts foresees a tight fight in North America with the PS3 and Xbox 360 each selling 4.5 million units on Q1 and 5.5 million units in Q2. The Nintendo Wii is not far ahead with 5.5 million units and 6.5 units million on Q1 and Q2, respectively, while EA has hopes that the PS2 can still move a total of 4.9 million units in the U.S.
Europe is where EA expects Sony to enjoy a lead over Microsoft, as the company anticipates the PlayStation 3 to sell 5 million units in Q1, then 6 million come Q2.The Microsoft Xbox 360, which sold 1.9 million units in Q4 2007 according to NPD data, may experience a slight drop to 1.5 million if EA hits the mark. Around 2.5 million units are believed to leave European shelves in Q2.
To sum it up, thanks to Sony’s strong presence in Europe, EA predicts around 21 million PS3 consoles will be sold during the first half of 2008. Microsoft will only be able to expand its user base by 14 million in the same period. Nintendo’s casual-friendly Wii is expected to take the win with 26 million, while the PS2 is not off the map with 8.8 million predicted sales.
On the other hand, EA’s numbers foresee the Nintendo DS selling 30 million in the first half of 2008, leaving the Sony PSP’s 14 million behind.