EA: We pissed off a lot of people with Army of Two

army-of-two-collageI’m not exactly sure if this was offiically on the agenda of Electronic Arts, but the publisher did admit in a recent interview that they were sure “able to piss off a lot of people.” EA Montreal’s Alain Tacsan delved on this pisser power in an interview with VideoGamer.




army-of-two-1I’m not exactly sure if this was offiically on the agenda of Electronic Arts, but the publisher did admit in a recent interview that they were sure “able to piss off a lot of people.” EA Montreal’s Alain Tacsan delved on this pisser power in an interview with VideoGamer.


See, the thing with Army of Two was that it had players killing off terrorists for cash in several places, Afghanistan and Iraq included. In hindsight, Tacsan posits, they probably di get “carried away” in making this a central feature of the game, especially at a time when in “real life our troops are dying.”


He reflects upon this and says:


“The mistake we made was we thought that what is going to make a certain type of person laugh, is going to make everybody laugh. The reality is, you can laugh off everything but not with everybody.


When we mixed killing in North Africa, killing terrrorists for money and then fist pumping and saying something funny afterwards, in a place where real life our troops are dying, people just felt whatever the game is, this is wrong. You can’t do that. People from the left thought we were the right; people from the right thought we were on the left. We were able to piss off a lot of people.”


But although they did, many  more apparently didn’t think all too much about these sensitive concerns. The game proved to be a popular one, especially in North America. For the sequel, however, they did tone down the over-the-top antics of the duo, Salem and Rio. “We needed to correct that,” he explained, “because it was taking away from what the game was.



Via [VideoGamer]



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