EBGames, Gamestop to stop selling 80GB PS3s too?
TheEBGames/Gamestop manager who gave us a heads-up on the discontinuation of the 20GB Sony PS3 is back and this time, he’s bringing similar news about the 80GB PS3. Will his store follow Best Buy in dropping the higher-end SKU off the shelves? Find out in the full article.
When word got out that 80GB Sony PlayStation 3 units would no longer be available in retailer Best Buy, the gaming scene went ablaze. Now we’ve got information from a reliable source that giant retailer EBGames/Gamestop will follow Best Buy’s move.
Kaizer_911, an EBGames/Gamestop manager, tipped us off that stock of 80GB PS3 units will be unavailable from their shelves in the near future. “I can’t say for sure whats going on with the 80GB PS3 but I can relate to Best Buy,” he comments.
Our source says that the stores in their district have not received a replenishment of 80GB PS3s since late November. However, it was revealed that 40GB PS3 supplies kept flowing in without a hitch. Kaizer_911 narrates:
I went ahead and looked in our Back Office Inventory screen and found that the only SKU listed as Active for the PS3 consoles (new ones that is) was the 40GB. The 20, 60, AND 80 GB SKUs were listed as Deleted.
Kaizer_911 maintains that the inventory status in question is company-wide in scope. “Unless Sony is just changing the bundles, it looks like a discontinue to me,” finishes the EBGames/ Gamestop manager.
If you remember it, Kaizer_911 is the same source who gave us a heads-up on the discontinuation of the 20GB PS3. Which eventually proved true. We’ll keep you posted for more.