eLoader Downdater (2.0-2.71) Released!

Train Downdater QJ Banner

Train2335 stopped by our forums to inform everyone that he has released a “noob” friendly version of which works on 2.60 and is unconfirmed on other firmwares (does not work on 2.80+). This downdater is a port of Dark_Alex’s downdater in eboot form. The previous tiff downdaer was released in .bin form, however with Fanjita‘s newly released eLoader (0.99), you can run this newly created eboot downgrader from it and downgrade your PSP!

For those who doubted, or were confused by the simple tiff downdaer and just didn’t want to take the risk – hopefully you will build up enough courage to downgrade today. Although, tomorrow will be a big day for the scene, so if you don’t plan on downgrading yet, feel free to wait until tomorrow is over to make your decision! However, with all downgraders, we urge you that you try this at your own risk. There is a possibility that your PSP may brick if you do not use it correctly. It’s been untested on many firmwares and has only been reported as working on 2.60 – so please take that into consideration right now. You can download the file below –

Download: [2.0-2.71 Tiff Downdater – eLoader Version]

Train Downdater QJ Banner

Train2335 stopped by our forums to inform everyone that he has released a “noob” friendly version of which works on 2.60 and is unconfirmed on other firmwares (does not work on 2.80+). This downdater is a port of Dark_Alex’s downdater in eboot form. The previous tiff downdaer was released in .bin form, however with Fanjita‘s newly released eLoader (0.99), you can run this newly created eboot downgrader from it and downgrade your PSP!

For those who doubted, or were confused by the simple tiff downdaer and just didn’t want to take the risk – hopefully you will build up enough courage to downgrade today. Although, tomorrow will be a big day for the scene, so if you don’t plan on downgrading yet, feel free to wait until tomorrow is over to make your decision! However, with all downgraders, we urge you that you try this at your own risk. There is a possibility that your PSP may brick if you do not use it correctly. It’s been untested on many firmwares and has only been reported as working on 2.60 – so please take that into consideration right now. You can download the file below –

Download: [2.0-2.71 Tiff Downdater – eLoader Version]

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