eMenu Custom Skins Changer
UberOne has just provided for us his own eMenu changer for the eloader (an app that allows users to enjoy homebrew software on any PSP with any firmware versions – just in case someone didn’t know).
For people who use the GTA boot, it’s going to be easier to change skin without having to restart the game. Unfortunately though, it’s still very hard to customize this at the moment as improvements still has to be made. The developer of this app has promised many improvements for the upcoming versions of his eMenu Custom Skins Changer as this is just the first beta version. Expect more changes and updates in the coming days.
Download: [eMenu Custom Skins Changer]
UberOne has just provided for us his own eMenu changer for the eloader (an app that allows users to enjoy homebrew software on any PSP with any firmware versions – just in case someone didn’t know).
For people who use the GTA boot, it’s going to be easier to change skin without having to restart the game. Unfortunately though, it’s still very hard to customize this at the moment as improvements still has to be made. The developer of this app has promised many improvements for the upcoming versions of his eMenu Custom Skins Changer as this is just the first beta version. Expect more changes and updates in the coming days.
Download: [eMenu Custom Skins Changer]