Enemy Territory : Quake Wars (PC) release date, demo announced

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars - Image 1Gamers won’t be waiting too long for the demo and the release of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars for the PC. The Enemy Territory community site has revealed that the demo comes out on September 10, while the full game will be released on October 2 in North America.

European and Australian fans will be glad to know that they’ll be getting Splash Damage‘s Enemy Territory: Quake Wars a bit earlier. It ships September 28 in PAL territories.

The game is a first-person shooter based on team play and strategy. Players can choose from five classes on each of the two factions and take on roles that can make or break a team. The story tells the tale of the human race’s struggle against an alien threat coming from the vicious Strogg.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is a PC, Microsoft Xbox 360, and Sony PlayStation 3 multi-platformer.

Via Enemy Territory Community

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars - Image 1Gamers won’t be waiting too long for the demo and the release of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars for the PC. The Enemy Territory community site has revealed that the demo comes out on September 10, while the full game will be released on October 2 in North America.

European and Australian fans will be glad to know that they’ll be getting Splash Damage‘s Enemy Territory: Quake Wars a bit earlier. It ships September 28 in PAL territories.

The game is a first-person shooter based on team play and strategy. Players can choose from five classes on each of the two factions and take on roles that can make or break a team. The story tells the tale of the human race’s struggle against an alien threat coming from the vicious Strogg.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is a PC, Microsoft Xbox 360, and Sony PlayStation 3 multi-platformer.

Via Enemy Territory Community

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