Europe being left out of Home, users pissed
The US and Japan regions of PlayStation Home have been getting new stuff and spaces left and right, while the European Home isn’t getting as much. Users at the European have expressed their ire over being left out and are now demanding answers as to why SCEE hasn’t been bringing new stuff in. More in the full article.
The US and Japan regions of PlayStation Home have been getting new stuff and spaces left and right, while the European Home isn’t getting as much. Users at the European have expressed their ire over being left out and are now demanding answers as to why SCEE hasn’t been bringing new stuff in.
Other than the basic features, Euro Home has yet to have spaces for Far Cry 2 and Uncharted that US users have been enjoying. Japan already has Siren, Everybody’s Golf, and is even getting lounges for Namco Bandai and Nippon Ichi. None of these are in Europe, nor has there been word of these spaces coming soon.
User Dan-Camz at the Euro forum airs his questions as to why and how Euro Home does not get the same quality service that the two other regions have been experiencing. “What’s going on in SCEE? There is practically nothing to do in the Europe Home,” he posted.
Other users have been more blunt about the situation. User chelski4life wrote, “I am absolutely outraged! £ 545 for nothin, Japan = exclusive content, America = movies, TV shows, EU = we get everything late and it’s all crap!!!”
Users have resorted to logging into US and Japan Home, for obvious reasons, and that those Home regions actually work. Right now, they’ve set a petition in motion to get SCEE off its ass and start giving European users the same Home quality that’s being enjoyed by the US and Japan.
We’ll keep you posted on how this petition is answered by SCEE.
More news on stuff that Euro Home isn’t getting: