European PS3 backwards-compatible… with Eragon only?

With the PS3 finally landing in European soil by March 23, 2007, things are still not quite all and well for this console, even at this late a stage. As the story goes, there have been many issues regarding the European PS3’s lack of an Emotion Engine which basically allows PS2 games to be played on Sony‘s new console. However, we have all been assured that despite this deficiency in hardware, the missing feature will be made up for via software emulation, and will instead rely on a combination of hardware and software.

Still on the topic of the PAL PS3’s missing Emotion Engine, the latest statement that Sony has made about the matter was that the PAL version of the console will instead “be equipped with a different chip that processes graphics for PS2 games, but the backward compatibility of the machine will be lessened.”

Shadow of the Colossus... no more? - Image 1Well, to put that to the test, the German site Cynamite managed to acquire a PAL PS3, so they decided to test its backwards-compatibility with 12 popular PS2 games (that is, 12 PS2 games you’d want to be stuck on an island with – according to Cynamite anyway). The titles that they decided to use were:

The end result? Out of the 12 titles, only Eragon worked. All other titles refused to start up and instead referred them to “future software updates and the Sony Website to read the downward compatibility list.”

Oh well. So much for that. Well, here’s to hoping that the guys at Sony hurry up with those firmware updates that they promised, so that European PS3 owners can play ye good olde Viewtiful Joe, already. And Castlevania Lament of Innocence. And the Prince of Persia trilogy. And Final Fantasy XII. And Space Channel 5.

With the PS3 finally landing in European soil by March 23, 2007, things are still not quite all and well for this console, even at this late a stage. As the story goes, there have been many issues regarding the European PS3’s lack of an Emotion Engine which basically allows PS2 games to be played on Sony‘s new console. However, we have all been assured that despite this deficiency in hardware, the missing feature will be made up for via software emulation, and will instead rely on a combination of hardware and software.

Still on the topic of the PAL PS3’s missing Emotion Engine, the latest statement that Sony has made about the matter was that the PAL version of the console will instead “be equipped with a different chip that processes graphics for PS2 games, but the backward compatibility of the machine will be lessened.”

Shadow of the Colossus... no more? - Image 1Well, to put that to the test, the German site Cynamite managed to acquire a PAL PS3, so they decided to test its backwards-compatibility with 12 popular PS2 games (that is, 12 PS2 games you’d want to be stuck on an island with – according to Cynamite anyway). The titles that they decided to use were:

The end result? Out of the 12 titles, only Eragon worked. All other titles refused to start up and instead referred them to “future software updates and the Sony Website to read the downward compatibility list.”

Oh well. So much for that. Well, here’s to hoping that the guys at Sony hurry up with those firmware updates that they promised, so that European PS3 owners can play ye good olde Viewtiful Joe, already. And Castlevania Lament of Innocence. And the Prince of Persia trilogy. And Final Fantasy XII. And Space Channel 5.

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