Everybody Votes: the new place for Free Market Research?
The Everybody Votes Channel on the Wii is mindless fun. It’s like a casual game with no consequences or payoffs other than knowing that you’re voting for some inane question that probably won’t have anything to do with real life.
At least, that’s the common notion behind it. A recently-made Aeropause post by Stephen Munn was wondering about it because of an incident of sorts of the Everybody Votes Channel. In the post, he was surprised by the new question because, after a string of seemingly inconsequential posts, a new question asked whether or not you buy music through downloads or CDs.
It doesn’t seem like much of an issue now, really. The question of what Everybody Votes is supposed to be used for has always had a conspiracy theory or two latched onto it. While most people probably won’t mind the appearance of seemingly pointed questions like that, the Everybody Votes channel isn’t exactly the best way to get market research from your target demographic, especially since you have no idea who’s answering your questions and WHY they’re thinking this way.
How about you guys? Do you think it would be kind of weird if Everybody Votes became a semi-market research oriented channel? Would you even notice or care if it was, so long as you were properly compensated with fun times?
The Everybody Votes Channel on the Wii is mindless fun. It’s like a casual game with no consequences or payoffs other than knowing that you’re voting for some inane question that probably won’t have anything to do with real life.
At least, that’s the common notion behind it. A recently-made Aeropause post by Stephen Munn was wondering about it because of an incident of sorts of the Everybody Votes Channel. In the post, he was surprised by the new question because, after a string of seemingly inconsequential posts, a new question asked whether or not you buy music through downloads or CDs.
It doesn’t seem like much of an issue now, really. The question of what Everybody Votes is supposed to be used for has always had a conspiracy theory or two latched onto it. While most people probably won’t mind the appearance of seemingly pointed questions like that, the Everybody Votes channel isn’t exactly the best way to get market research from your target demographic, especially since you have no idea who’s answering your questions and WHY they’re thinking this way.
How about you guys? Do you think it would be kind of weird if Everybody Votes became a semi-market research oriented channel? Would you even notice or care if it was, so long as you were properly compensated with fun times?