Everyone but Nintendo: Best Buy points to Wii price cut too
Okay, Nintendo. Just spill it out already. Ads for the Wii price cut are “leaking” out one by one on every major retail store, all tagging the same price, and you’re still saying nary a thing about it. Here, Best Buy joins in on the fray this time.
Okay, Nintendo. Just spill it out already. Ads for the Wii price cut are leaking out one by one on every major retail store, all tagging the same price, and you’re still saying nary a thing about it.
Here, this one’s from Best Buy. And much like the previous ads from Toys ‘R Us and Target, it’s also pegging the Nintendo Wii console to the magical price of US$ 199.99. My not-so-perfect eye vision is not helping, but I’m sure those are game bundles right there, too.
Related Articles:
- Target ad shows Wii price cut?
- Toys R Us pointing to a Wii price cut?
- Pachter: US sales continue to go down, Wii price cut no later than November
Via Kotaku