Experience E3 through PlayStation Home

E3 at PlayStation Home - Image 1Not everyone can make it to the Convention Center in LA, where the Electronic Entertainment Expo is chucking out big game details left and right as we speak. Too bad, right? But the guys behind PlayStation Home have come up with the next best thing – if you can’t come to E3, then they’ll bring E3 right into your Home. More after the jump.

E3 at Home - Image 1Not everyone can make it to the Convention Center in LA, where the Electronic Entertainment Expo is chucking out big game details left and right as we speak. Too bad, right? But the guys behind PlayStation Home have come up with the next best thing – if you can’t come to E3, then they’ll bring E3 right into your Home.

Starting with a special taping of Jack Tretton‘s E3 Keynote Address on Tuesday evening, those with a PlayStation Home account can experience the expo by heading over to the Presentation Podium to watch the address on the big screen.

To access the special events space through the menu pad, just press Start, Locations, World Map then select the PlayStation Home World Map chip and press X. This will break out into several other chips; just scroll over to the Presentation Podium chip, press X.

After Tretton’s bit, you’ll be able to watch actual showroom floor footages, developer interviews, sneak peeks, and other E3 stuff that they decide to post so you’d better keep checking back.

More on E3 at Home:

Via PlayStation Blog

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