EYEQ – The Film, TV & Music Quiz
As part of the NeoFlash Summer Coding Competition (2006), djceejay released a new NDS homebrew game – EYEQ. This game consists of several movie, TV and music questions in a puzzle layout. You first start out with a question (random) on a film, TV or music and you must answer it or pass to another question (limited amount of passes per game). If you get the question wrong, you lose one life – when all lives are gone, you lose the game.
After having answered a question, you move on and must select a block from the grid and more blocks will be eliminated as you move up the grid. The game is very polished for the competition and blew me away with all the questions – I was surprised at all the questions ranging from old TV shows to modern movies. Good luck in the competition; this is a great and unique game!
Download: [EYEQ – The Film, TV & Music Quiz]
Via Djceejay
As part of the NeoFlash Summer Coding Competition (2006), djceejay released a new NDS homebrew game – EYEQ. This game consists of several movie, TV and music questions in a puzzle layout. You first start out with a question (random) on a film, TV or music and you must answer it or pass to another question (limited amount of passes per game). If you get the question wrong, you lose one life – when all lives are gone, you lose the game.
After having answered a question, you move on and must select a block from the grid and more blocks will be eliminated as you move up the grid. The game is very polished for the competition and blew me away with all the questions – I was surprised at all the questions ranging from old TV shows to modern movies. Good luck in the competition; this is a great and unique game!
Download: [EYEQ – The Film, TV & Music Quiz]
Via Djceejay