Fairgrounds screens for Crush

Crush - Image 1

Zoë Mode has released a new batch of screenies for their up and coming puzzle title, Crush. This time, it shows a whole new different level, the fairgrounds.

It’s interesting, really, and it actually reminds me of that never-ending stairs in the movie “Labyrinth”. And labyrinthine it does appear to be. It’s not hard to imagine how challenging this level – as well as the rest of the game – will be, given the complicated-looking obstacle course you’ll find in it. Anyhow, if only for this game, I definitely would want summer to come along faster. In the meantime, why don’t you zoom in on the screens below by clicking on them.

Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 1Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 2Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 3Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 4

More screenshots after the jump!

Crush - Image 1 

Zoë Mode has released a new batch of screenies for their up and coming puzzle title, Crush. This time, it shows a whole new different level, the fairgrounds.

It’s interesting, really, and it actually reminds me of that never-ending stairs in the movie “Labyrinth”. And labyrinthine it does appear to be. It’s not hard to imagine how challenging this level – as well as the rest of the game – will be, given the complicated-looking obstacle course you’ll find in it. Anyhow, if only for this game, I definitely would want summer to come along faster. In the meantime, why don’t you zoom in on the screens below by clicking on them.

Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 1 Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 2 Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 3 Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 4

Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 5 Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 6 Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 7 Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 8

Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 9 Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 10 Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 11 Crush for the PlayStation Portable - Image 12

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