Famitsu brings anime-styled Devil Kings 2 screenshots
We’ve got some new Devil Kings 2 screenshots and artwork for you to enjoy, but those screenshots aren’t the usual ones we normally see for video games. Instead, we’ve got three pieces of artwork for the generals in the game, as well as six new screenshots of anime-styled goodness for you to enjoy.
For instance, the above screenshots shows off Katakura as he prepares to strike at a foe. You’ll also see some shots of two guys facing off in battle, as well as a shot of an army getting ready to strike. On the flipside, the three artworks are of three generals you’ll eventually face in-game. We don’t know much about them, but the one with the twin spears certainly looks cool enough.
In any case, keep checking QJ for more updates on screenshots and artwork related to Devil Kings 2: Heroes Gaiden. For now, enjoy our humble offerings.
Find the artwork after the jump!
We’ve got some new Devil Kings 2 screenshots and artwork for you to enjoy, but those screenshots aren’t the usual ones we normally see for video games. Instead, we’ve got three pieces of artwork for the generals in the game, as well as six new screenshots of anime-styled goodness for you to enjoy.
For instance, the above screenshots shows off Katakura as he prepares to strike at a foe. You’ll also see some shots of two guys facing off in battle, as well as a shot of an army getting ready to strike. On the flipside, the three artworks are of three generals you’ll eventually face in-game. We don’t know much about them, but the one with the twin spears certainly looks cool enough.
In any case, keep checking QJ for more updates on screenshots and artwork related to Capcom‘s Devil Kings 2: Heroes Gaiden. For now, enjoy our humble offerings.