FASA holding Shadowrun screenshot caption contest

  Shadowrun screenshots contest - Image 1 Shadowrun screenshots contest - Image 2 Shadowrun screenshots contest - Image 3 

Over at the official forum site of the video game Shadowrun (360 and PC), FASA Interactive announced that it’s holding a competition in preparation for the title’s launch later this month. Forum moderator fall started the ball rolling with the following message:

All entrants that are online playing Shadowrun between 3 and 7PM PDT on Tuesday, May 29th will have the chance to be invited to play with the devs on launch day. A winner for each image will be chosen Tuesday, May 29th @ 7PM PDT. This talented individual will win a Shadowrun T-shirt and will be the envy of all his peers.

The above mentioned images are actually the screenshots accompanying this post. If you want to join, all you have to do is think of clever captions that best describe the screenshots. If you’re really that talented, you can edit the images to create new funny images.

Shadowrun is an FPS title set in Brazil during the time before the original Shadowrun universe takes form round 2031. It incorporates certain cyberpunk elements to the gameplay and players have the option to play either for the mega-corp RNA Global and the resistance group known as The Lineage.

If you’ve already thought up something witty or clever, refer to our Read link below to submit your entries. It should take you to the competition’s official page.

Buy: [Shadowrun (Xbox 360)]
Buy: [Shadowrun (Windows Vista)]

  Shadowrun screenshots contest - Image 1 Shadowrun screenshots contest - Image 2 Shadowrun screenshots contest - Image 3 

Over at the official forum site of the video game Shadowrun (360 and PC), FASA Interactive announced that it’s holding a competition in preparation for the title’s launch later this month. Forum moderator fall started the ball rolling with the following message:

All entrants that are online playing Shadowrun between 3 and 7PM PDT on Tuesday, May 29th will have the chance to be invited to play with the devs on launch day. A winner for each image will be chosen Tuesday, May 29th @ 7PM PDT. This talented individual will win a Shadowrun T-shirt and will be the envy of all his peers.

The above mentioned images are actually the screenshots accompanying this post. If you want to join, all you have to do is think of clever captions that best describe the screenshots. If you’re really that talented, you can edit the images to create new funny images.

Shadowrun is an FPS title set in Brazil during the time before the original Shadowrun universe takes form round 2031. It incorporates certain cyberpunk elements to the gameplay and players have the option to play either for the mega-corp RNA Global and the resistance group known as The Lineage.

If you’ve already thought up something witty or clever, refer to our Read link below to submit your entries. It should take you to the competition’s official page.

Buy: [Shadowrun (Xbox 360)]
Buy: [Shadowrun (Windows Vista)]

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