FF Versus XIII has seamless battles and open world exploration

ffv13E3 came and went but we’re still much in the dark about Final Fantasy Versus XIII. One of the few things we do know about is that it’s an action gameplay element to it apart from being an RPG. Through a couple of Japanese gaming blogs, we have supplementary info on that, plus some other little features about the PS3 exclusive.

E3 came and went but we’re still much in the dark about Final Fantasy Versus XIII. One of the few things we do know about is that it’s an action gameplay element to it apart from being an RPG. Through a couple of Japanese gaming blogs, we have supplementary info on that, plus some other little features about the PS3 exclusive.


According to PS3 Dominater, Final Fantasy Versus XIII will have an open world for players to explore, and you’ll even have a vehicle to ride in to make the trips much quicker. There will be seamless transition between battles, and apart from a taking a bit to load across different ares of the map, the exploration will be seamless as well. Like previous FF titles, monsters can be seen freely roaming the map, and you’re likely to get attacked if you just stand around.


Through FF-Reunion.net, it was revealed that there are destructible objects in the field, and a fight scene in a location designed after an actual gas station in Shinjuku.




The image above is from a Siliconera reader who got a copy of Famitsu’s feature on Final Fantasy Versus XIII, where there’s about to be a fight between Noctis and a Behemoth.





[via Siliconera]

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