FFXI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan luring players back with welcome back campaign
Doesn’t it feel good to come home to something familiar? Probably somewhere where you’ve spent oodles of time in? Well, why not Vana’diel? Square Enix has announced the return of its Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan‘s Welcome Back Campaign.
As the campaign’s name suggests, it is aimed to woo old players to the virtual world. Interested parties can apply to “resurrect” their original players (those deleted or otherwise) and will receive an Anniversary Ring. According to the official website, the said campaign will start on Tuesday, September 25 and will end on Monday, November 19.
Oh, and the Anniversary Rings are limited, so get a move on if you want to play Final Fantasy XI again.
Interested? You guys can go ahead and check out if you’re eligible for the Welcome Back Campaign by clicking the Read link below.
Doesn’t it feel good to come home to something familiar? Probably somewhere where you’ve spent oodles of time in? Well, why not Vana’diel? Square Enix has announced the return of its Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan‘s Welcome Back Campaign.
As the campaign’s name suggests, it is aimed to woo old players to the virtual world. Interested parties can apply to “resurrect” their original players (those deleted or otherwise) and will receive an Anniversary Ring. According to the official website, the said campaign will start on Tuesday, September 25 and will end on Monday, November 19.
Oh, and the Anniversary Rings are limited, so get a move on if you want to play Final Fantasy XI again.
Interested? You guys can go ahead and check out if you’re eligible for the Welcome Back Campaign by clicking the Read link below.