FFXIII: 720p, 30fps, pauseable/skippable cut scenes, readable text on different screens

ff13The latest issue of Famitsu in Japan has an interview with Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, Xbox 360) director Motomu Toriyama. We’ve got info on the current status of the game – just tying the loose ends now! – as well as their efforts in balancing resolution and readable text. As with their other recent games, cut scenes may also be paused and/or skipped here.

Final Fantasy 13 - Image 1
“Snow, do these subtitles make me look fat?”

The latest issue of Famitsu in Japan has an interview with Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, Xbox 360) director Motomu Toriyama.

In the interview, Toriyama reveals that they’re just about done. All elements of the game are pretty much complete, and right now, “it’s a matter of putting them together.” Before the final version of the game though, they still plan to revise the battle system a bit more and inch it closer to pure, marinated perfection.

Meanwhile, the current build that they’re testing with is running at 720p and clocked at 30fps. Fair enough, fair enough. What Square Enix wants is to allow gamers to enjoy the game no matter what TV they have – that means tweaking the text to be readable on a standard analog TV. Umm, right, we don’t want a Tiny Text redux of Banjo Kazooie, now do we?

Then there’s also the matter of cut scenes. Though it’s not surprising considering how the past few Square Enix games have been, it’s now confirmed that cut scenes can be paused and/or skipped.

If you were wondering about the demo that’s to be released later this month via the FF7ACC Blu-ray, Famitsu reports that it’s going to clock about an hour and a half of gameplay.

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Via Kotaku

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