Final Fantasy XI Special Task Force Report: illegal activities winding down
It’s no secret that the realms of Final Fantasy XI‘s (Microsoft Xbox 360, PC) Vana’diel is plagued with illegal players trying to exploit the game and make money through “Real Money Trading” or RMT. Fortunately, Square Enix and PlayOnline are working hard to eliminate all elements that take away the fun from honest players. The Special Task Force Report for February and March is in, revealing that the world of FFXI is steadily winning against perpetrators. Check out the full article for more details.
Square Enix and the PlayOnline crew are hard at work in banning players in Final Fantasy XI (Microsoft Xbox 360, PC) that violate the MMORPG’s user agreement and do illegal acts that disturb other players, as proven by the release of its Special Task Force Report of activities for February 21 to March 25, 2008. The number of banned accounts significantly dropped from December to January, but countermeasures will be implemented to ensure all violators are rooted out.
According to the report, numbers went down by half since the period was shorter and less players sent in their complaints. While this could easily mean there aren’t as much Vana’diel citizens playing foul as before, the Final Fantasy XI version update that will go live on March 11 will still implement changes to limit illegal activities.
To be specific, fishing and mining locations exploited by low-level characters will face major tweaks. When the next version is online, it won’t be possible to fish in the Sea Serpent Grotto and Cape Teriggan. Furthermore, low-levels can no longer gain anything from mining spots such as the Newton Movalpolos and Mount Zhayolm.
For more details, click on the “via” link below which will take you to Final Fantasy XI‘s official website.