Final Fantasy XIII Will Be PS3 Exclusive?

Well, it’s only been 5 days after I beat the long-waited Final Fantasy XII. But wow, Final Fantasy XIII is going to be announced soon!
Today, 1up has posted a story saying they’ve spotted a piece of news on the latest EGM, which says that Square Enix is going to announce Final Fantasy XIII on this E3. The news also suggested that FF13 will be a PS3 exclusive title – “expect a brief teaser video and confirmation from the publisher that the RPG will be a PS3 exclusive.“
It’s been a while that some rumors have been floating around saying FF13 is already close to complete, but Square Enix has been holding it until FF12 was put onto the shelves.
In my opinion, this is just fine. Final Fantasy has been PS exclusive from VII (except the online version, that is an MMO anyway), and never released any main episodes on consoles other than PlayStation/PlayStation 2. Square Enix also made an FF7 tech demo for PS3 on E3 2005. Needless to say the DQ8 release. Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of Final Fantasy, had to leave Square Enix to support his new projects for Xbox 360. All these facts have suggested that Square Enix is having intimate relationship behind. The fact that Square Enix is supporting Sony is likely to be real.
The next step for us is just to stay tuned for the incoming E3.

Well, it’s only been 5 days after I beat the long-waited Final Fantasy XII. But wow, Final Fantasy XIII is going to be announced soon!
Today, 1up has posted a story saying they’ve spotted a piece of news on the latest EGM, which says that Square Enix is going to announce Final Fantasy XIII on this E3. The news also suggested that FF13 will be a PS3 exclusive title – “expect a brief teaser video and confirmation from the publisher that the RPG will be a PS3 exclusive.“
It’s been a while that some rumors have been floating around saying FF13 is already close to complete, but Square Enix has been holding it until FF12 was put onto the shelves.
In my opinion, this is just fine. Final Fantasy has been PS exclusive from VII (except the online version, that is an MMO anyway), and never released any main episodes on consoles other than PlayStation/PlayStation 2. Square Enix also made an FF7 tech demo for PS3 on E3 2005. Needless to say the DQ8 release. Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of Final Fantasy, had to leave Square Enix to support his new projects for Xbox 360. All these facts have suggested that Square Enix is having intimate relationship behind. The fact that Square Enix is supporting Sony is likely to be real.
The next step for us is just to stay tuned for the incoming E3.