Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 to use Bink Video

binkBink has been revealed to be utilized for the Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII. Really, you only have to check the back of the box to confirm it for yourself. Apparenlty this is needed most likely to compress the game’s cutscenes. You know there’s gonna be a lot of those there.




ffxiii_bannerBink has been revealed to be utilized for the Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII. Really, you only have to check the back of the box to confirm it for yourself. Apparenlty this is needed most likely to compress the game’s cutscenes. You know there’s gonna be a lot of those there.


Not familiar with Bink? Bink Video actually provides special video tools specifically for the Xbox 360, and they will be giving their services again for Square Enix’ 360 version of FFXIII. Over at their official page, Bink reveals that the codec will be at 720p video. Compressed.


Meanwhile, the PS3 version (Japanese) of the game is reported to be have all 40 minutes of FMV encoded at 1080p. Uncompressed.


Bink was also previously used for Borderlands, Mass Effect and The Last Remnant.




Via [UFF Site]




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