Final Fantasy XI’s “Most Wanted” (preferably dead)
Hunters made ready their arms everywhere when Square-Enix posted the bills for these Marks on their Play-Online official website for Final Fantasy XI (BTW, notice the FFXII reference there? Ah, never mind). It’s more of a bestiary update of some of the big-bummed baddies terrorizing parts of Vana’diel, but the Empire invites “all competent mercenaries and adventurers” to open a can of whoop on them, so there might be some reward available.
This first three-headed beast is named Cerberus, except that it looks more three-headed dragon than dog, but that’s poetic license for you. Originally found in the Troll stronghold of Halvung, but it is supposed that this could be the pet attack dog of Troll merc captain Gurfurlur. This means that the Trolls could easily unleash this beast elsewhere, too.
This other three-headed beast is the Hydra. This beast has thick skin, and “mephitic miasma” – in other words, Breath So Bad As To Make A Marlboro Puke – and because they fear that their enemies will find a way to gain control of this beast, the Empire wants it dead post-haste.
Finally, and with only one head to deal with (thankfully), the Khimaria. This guardian to summoner Yuna (oops, wrong reference popped in my head) winged behemoth was spotted in the volcanic crags on the route to Halvung and Hediva Isle. And the Empire would like to address rumors that this chimerical Khimaria is a by-product of Imperial weapons research programs. Ah, the legendary Final Fantasy plot-twisting.
Hunters made ready their arms everywhere when Square-Enix posted the bills for these Marks on their Play-Online official website for Final Fantasy XI (BTW, notice the FFXII reference there? Ah, never mind). It’s more of a bestiary update of some of the big-bummed baddies terrorizing parts of Vana’diel, but the Empire invites “all competent mercenaries and adventurers” to open a can of whoop on them, so there might be some reward available.
This first three-headed beast is named Cerberus, except that it looks more three-headed dragon than dog, but that’s poetic license for you. Originally found in the Troll stronghold of Halvung, but it is supposed that this could be the pet attack dog of Troll merc captain Gurfurlur. This means that the Trolls could easily unleash this beast elsewhere, too.
This other three-headed beast is the Hydra. This beast has thick skin, and “mephitic miasma” – in other words, Breath So Bad As To Make A Marlboro Puke – and because they fear that their enemies will find a way to gain control of this beast, the Empire wants it dead post-haste.
Finally, and with only one head to deal with (thankfully), the Khimaria. This guardian to summoner Yuna (oops, wrong reference popped in my head) winged behemoth was spotted in the volcanic crags on the route to Halvung and Hediva Isle. And the Empire would like to address rumors that this chimerical Khimaria is a by-product of Imperial weapons research programs. Ah, the legendary Final Fantasy plot-twisting.