Final Round of E3 Pics! (1 of 5)
E3 has come and gone, and all I have left are a few choice goodies, some nice blisters, and the memories. Luckily, I’m able to share some of these memories through photographs (115 photos to be exact) and I’ve finally gotten around to doing so. Sorry for the delay, but I thought I had lost these pictures a while ago, but I finally found the memory stick they were on. Better late then never, one might say.
These first 25 are from my time in Kentia hall. Notable gadgets include the aforementioned Mondo, and some Bemani gear from MyMyBox. The rest is fairly cool (albeit random) E3 goodness. Enjoy!
E3 has come and gone, and all I have left are a few choice goodies, some nice blisters, and the memories. Luckily, I’m able to share some of these memories through photographs (115 photos to be exact) and I’ve finally gotten around to doing so. Sorry for the delay, but I thought I had lost these pictures a while ago, but I finally found the memory stick they were on. Better late then never, one might say.
These first 25 are from my time in Kentia hall. Notable gadgets include the aforementioned Mondo, and some Bemani gear from MyMyBox. The rest is fairly cool (albeit random) E3 goodness. Enjoy!