First batch of Burnout Dominator screenshots

It’s only been officially confirmed a couple of days ago, but man, Burnout Dominator is really burning up the tracks when it comes to the buzz surrounding this title.

Okay, if you’ve never heard of it before (shame on you!), Burnout Dominator is the latest installment of the uber-popular Burnout series. It’s currently being developed for both the PSP and the PS2, and according to senior producer Nick Channon the game will stay true to “the reckless skill-based racing and fear of crashing that fuelled the first games.”

Yep, the fear of crashing. That’s what this game aims to pound into players until they learn. Classes will commence sometime in 2007. For a little preview of the lesson plan, check out the first batch of Burnout Dominator screenshots below. Man, those crashes look like they hurt. A lot.

Burnout Dominator - Image 1 Burnout Dominator - Image 2 Burnout Dominator - Image 3 Burnout Dominator - Image 4

It’s only been officially confirmed a couple of days ago, but man, Burnout Dominator is really burning up the tracks when it comes to the buzz surrounding this title.

Okay, if you’ve never heard of it before (shame on you!), Burnout Dominator is the latest installment of the uber-popular Burnout series. It’s currently being developed for both the PSP and the PS2, and according to senior producer Nick Channon the game will stay true to “the reckless skill-based racing and fear of crashing that fuelled the first games.”

Yep, the fear of crashing. That’s what this game aims to pound into players until they learn. Classes will commence sometime in 2007. For a little preview of the lesson plan, check out the first batch of Burnout Dominator screenshots below. Man, those crashes look like they hurt. A lot.

Burnout Dominator - Image 1 Burnout Dominator - Image 2 Burnout Dominator - Image 3 Burnout Dominator - Image 4

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