First Person Shooters… Too… Many….!?!
As we dip our toes into the warm inviting waters of the next generation, we’re greeted by mega consoles finally powerful enough to truly handle the technically demanding nature the first person shooter and versatile enough that control is no longer an issue. As the consoles come forth they bring with them a deluge of first person shooters, lots of ‘em. So many that we have to stop for a second and ask, “what’s the big deal with all the FPS‘s?” Whatever happened to the adventure game, or the straight up platformer, or the MUD? (that last one was a joke)
A brief glance at the upcoming games list for the 360 and PS3 sheds some light on just how many FPS titles are in development, even Nintendo’s console entry, usually overlooked by the genre is likely to get more than its fair share of FPS’s this time around thanks to the nature of its revolutionary controller. But do people really want all these shooters? Probably not (the sales say otherwise) but we’re getting them anyway. It seems developers have decided that the most surefire way to show off their next gen tech is by having us view every grimy detail in the first person. Surely it’s only a matter of time before we get burnt out on first person shooters (space marines and World War II in particular). It can probably be argued however that console gamers have yet to truly experience all that a PC FPS can offer in terms of multiplayer content, graphical prowess and control, perhaps developers see a potential market, and that’s why we’re getting this flood.
Take heart in the thought that some of these games do look innovative, and at the very least look darn pretty. With new methods of control at our disposal, awe inspiring processing power to generate intelligent AI, and graphics the likes of which we’ve only dreamt of we might just end up with some stand out hits among the litter. Consider this as well, simply due to the sheer number of first person shooters coming out the rules of chance dictate that at least one of them will be Duke Nukem Forever (yeah, I went there).
With all that in mind, what say you guys, are you eagerly awaiting the arrival of Duke Nukem, or would you rather have more diversity in your videogame lineup? As always, we’d like to hear in the comments 🙂
As we dip our toes into the warm inviting waters of the next generation, we’re greeted by mega consoles finally powerful enough to truly handle the technically demanding nature the first person shooter and versatile enough that control is no longer an issue. As the consoles come forth they bring with them a deluge of first person shooters, lots of ‘em. So many that we have to stop for a second and ask, “what’s the big deal with all the FPS‘s?” Whatever happened to the adventure game, or the straight up platformer, or the MUD? (that last one was a joke)
A brief glance at the upcoming games list for the 360 and PS3 sheds some light on just how many FPS titles are in development, even Nintendo’s console entry, usually overlooked by the genre is likely to get more than its fair share of FPS’s this time around thanks to the nature of its revolutionary controller. But do people really want all these shooters? Probably not (the sales say otherwise) but we’re getting them anyway. It seems developers have decided that the most surefire way to show off their next gen tech is by having us view every grimy detail in the first person. Surely it’s only a matter of time before we get burnt out on first person shooters (space marines and World War II in particular). It can probably be argued however that console gamers have yet to truly experience all that a PC FPS can offer in terms of multiplayer content, graphical prowess and control, perhaps developers see a potential market, and that’s why we’re getting this flood.
Take heart in the thought that some of these games do look innovative, and at the very least look darn pretty. With new methods of control at our disposal, awe inspiring processing power to generate intelligent AI, and graphics the likes of which we’ve only dreamt of we might just end up with some stand out hits among the litter. Consider this as well, simply due to the sheer number of first person shooters coming out the rules of chance dictate that at least one of them will be Duke Nukem Forever (yeah, I went there).
With all that in mind, what say you guys, are you eagerly awaiting the arrival of Duke Nukem, or would you rather have more diversity in your videogame lineup? As always, we’d like to hear in the comments 🙂