Fishguts – homebrew AD&D style CRPG for your PSP
If you’re not too fond of the fact that JRPGs are currently dominating the RPG seas, then you may want to check out homebrew developer _df_‘s new project, Fishguts. Slated to use a classic AD&D gold box combat scheme, Fishguts just may be the homebrew RPG fix that you’ve been needing for a long time.
Download: Fishguts (test version)
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forums
Fans of CRPG games such as the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons titles for legacy consoles (like Commodore 64, NES) should take a gander at _df_‘s homebrew CRPG project titled Fishguts for the Sony PSP. Now don’t let the name turn you off, since Fishguts may just be the game you’re looking for in this vast, open sea of JRPGs (you can also check this out for your homebrew RPG fix).
Fishguts is also currently being developed and ported for the GP2X, PC, and GP32 aside from Sony’s handheld device, and is already playable except for the combat system. Homebrew developer _df_ is planning on using a neat AD&D gold box-style combat system for Fishguts.
For your reference, this is the controls scheme for the game:
HOME – Quit out
START – Menu (save/other funcs) SELECT – Mapped to inventory
stick – movement
CROSS – currently mapped to debug birds eye view function
TRIANGLE – Enter town/cave
In Towns / Caves
CIRCLE – Transact/Talk to NPC
When talking to someone
CIRCLE – quit talking….
CROSS – pick word
You can grab the test version of Fishguts from the download link below, just as always. This game is tested on a classic (phat) PSP’s GAME150 folder, but if you’re interested on seeing this nice piece of homebrew heaven on a Slim, better contact _df_ to give your comments and suggestions.
Download: Fishguts (test version)
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forums