Five new star spanning videos for Super Mario Galaxy
With the Japanese gamers already enjoying their first week playing Nintendo’s Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii, here are some exclusive gameplay videos care of Josh from the Revver website.
After watching the videos, the game looks as good as the developers from Nintendo promised. Despite the snazzy next gen graphics the game has to offer, just seeing the final battle between Mario and Bowser pretty much proves that this is an authentic Mario game.
Check out the videos right after the jump!
With the Japanese gamers already enjoying their first week playing Nintendo’s Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii, here are some exclusive gameplay videos.
After watching the videos, the game looks as good as the developers from Nintendo promised. Despite the snazzy next gen graphics the game has to offer, just seeing the final battle between Mario and Bowser pretty much proves that this is an authentic Mario game.
The other videos show some of the new worlds and fun mini-games that have become a standard addition in a lot of the recent Nintendo games. In any case, gamers in North America will be able to play the latest game in the Super Mario franchise on November 15. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the videos we have on this great game below.
Thanks to Josh for the tip!