Fixer-upper: PS3 firmware 2.41 online by ‘midweek’?
In-game XMB access is here! Unfortunately, the much awaited feature was only actived by the lucky few whose PS3 units weren’t affected by all the freezing/bricking chaos that ensued last week when FW 2.40 was released (and subsequently pulled down, of course). Hit that PS button and check for updates in the full article. We hear that PS3 FW 2.41 will be released sometime this week!
Though Sony has yet to make this official via press release (wave that Rumor banner for all to see, please – OK, you guys see it? good.), someone from customer support has supposedly already dropped the news to CVG, saying that all the firmware updating chaos that ensued for some PS3 users last week will come at an end soon.
This might not apply to everyone, of course, since not all users (us included!) experienced glitches when updating their PS3 to FW 2.40 last week. But, nonetheless, another firmware update shall be on our hands.
The official PS3 FW 2.41, which is said to patch all things freezy on affected PS3 units, will be rolled out online to the PlayStation Network sometime during the middle of this week. This could be any time between Wednesday to Friday, depending on how you count weeks – whether a 5-day week (Mon-Fri) or a 7-day one (Mon-Sun).
What customer support supposedly confirmed was that it’ll be available come “midweek”. That’s all well and good, considering that PS3 FW 2.40 was pulled out last week; if they bring FW 2.41 live by this Wednesday, that gives them about a full solid week as reaction time to fix the bugs in FW 2.40.