Flash Me v0.01 for 2.60: Flash Modification Tool

Fw2.6The homebrew community has been showing their care and concern for the hapless PSP gamers who have the unenviable experience of using a PSP with a TA-082 motherboard. That’s why those who are blessed with the talents and knowledge to do something about it is actually doing something concrete. Recently, homebrew developer SodR, through our forums, released Flash-Me 0.01 which is a simple flash modification tool for fw2.60 PSPs.

Coded in C and working on PSP firmware 2.60, this software is actually a simple flashmod for 2.6 PSP’s for those who wish not to downgrade and/or have a TA-082 motherboard (since people with TA-082 motherboards can’t downgrade to 1.5) – this app is made especially for those unlucky people. You ask what it can do. Well, first off, it can flash wallpaper, font, gameboot, and boot sound. It also has a “restore to default” option and exits if it’s unable to flash the file.

How to use this one? You first install it the same way you install your homebrew — simply place the Flash-Me folder int PSP/GAME/ folder like any other homebrew and then put your custom files in the custom folder inside PSP/GAME/Flash-Me/.

– If you want custom BG and just have one image, name it to BG.bmp. If you got more then one, name them
01.bmp to 12.bmp.
– For font, copy all the 16 ltn0.pgf – ltn15.pgf to the custom folder.
– For gameboot, simply copy a .pmf file (files over 1MB not recommended) to the custom folder and rename them
to gameboot.pmf
– For bootsound simply copy your opening_plugin.rco to the custom folder

Then boot up eLoader and select a thing you want to flash and hit ‘X’ to install your custom files or hit ‘O’ to restore the default XMB. After you have pushed either X or O, the screen will go black…but don’t worry, this is normal. This is when the actual flashing is being done. Wait some time and the PSP will automatically reboot the same way as the downgrader, meaning that your PSP will display the “Disc could not be read” -error. Just Restart your PSP once again and it should work fine.

The good developer has personally tested this when emulating the 2.60fw using DevHook, and it operated without a glitch. But when it comes to things like this, you should be aware that there is never any 100% guarantee that it would work fine. So, use it at your own risk since the developer cannot be held accountable for a bricked PSP.

And as parting words, SodR would like to thank hitchhikr for the kernel exploit and the devs of the downgrader (he borrowed the restart function from it). He also would like to thank slasher for the gameboot installer. And as always, your constructive criticisms, opinions, insights and other what-nots are most welcome in the comments section, so feel free to speak up people!

Download: [Flash-Me 0.01]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

Fw2.6The homebrew community has been showing their care and concern for the hapless PSP gamers who have the unenviable experience of using a PSP with a TA-082 motherboard. That’s why those who are blessed with the talents and knowledge to do something about it is actually doing something concrete. Recently, homebrew developer SodR, through our forums, released Flash-Me 0.01 which is a simple flash modification tool for fw2.60 PSPs.

Coded in C and working on PSP firmware 2.60, this software is actually a simple flashmod for 2.6 PSP’s for those who wish not to downgrade and/or have a TA-082 motherboard (since people with TA-082 motherboards can’t downgrade to 1.5) – this app is made especially for those unlucky people. You ask what it can do. Well, first off, it can flash wallpaper, font, gameboot, and boot sound. It also has a “restore to default” option and exits if it’s unable to flash the file.

How to use this one? You first install it the same way you install your homebrew — simply place the Flash-Me folder int PSP/GAME/ folder like any other homebrew and then put your custom files in the custom folder inside PSP/GAME/Flash-Me/.

– If you want custom BG and just have one image, name it to BG.bmp. If you got more then one, name them
01.bmp to 12.bmp.
– For font, copy all the 16 ltn0.pgf – ltn15.pgf to the custom folder.
– For gameboot, simply copy a .pmf file (files over 1MB not recommended) to the custom folder and rename them
to gameboot.pmf
– For bootsound simply copy your opening_plugin.rco to the custom folder

Then boot up eLoader and select a thing you want to flash and hit ‘X’ to install your custom files or hit ‘O’ to restore the default XMB. After you have pushed either X or O, the screen will go black…but don’t worry, this is normal. This is when the actual flashing is being done. Wait some time and the PSP will automatically reboot the same way as the downgrader, meaning that your PSP will display the “Disc could not be read” -error. Just Restart your PSP once again and it should work fine.

The good developer has personally tested this when emulating the 2.60fw using DevHook, and it operated without a glitch. But when it comes to things like this, you should be aware that there is never any 100% guarantee that it would work fine. So, use it at your own risk since the developer cannot be held accountable for a bricked PSP.

And as parting words, SodR would like to thank hitchhikr for the kernel exploit and the devs of the downgrader (he borrowed the restart function from it). He also would like to thank slasher for the gameboot installer. And as always, your constructive criticisms, opinions, insights and other what-nots are most welcome in the comments section, so feel free to speak up people!

Download: [Flash-Me 0.01]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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