For Penguin-users and whatnot: the Logitech Cordless MediaBoard

Interesting times (and some determined coders) have led us to running Linux on the PS3. Naturally, you’d need a keyboard and mouse to effectively navigate through the OS, but Linux-on-PS3 aside, you’d still need these two peripherals for some activities while online in the PlayStation Network.

Logitech is connecting users with their latest input device: the Cordless MediaBoard. It’s built for the PS3 and incorporates both a keyboard and touchpad + vertical scroll-bar to help you guys navigate and set-up profiles, manage accounts, and interact with people online. It’ll be available in this February for US$ 79.99.

The Captain Obvious in me agrees that, aside from it being cordless, the upshot to this is that you wouldn’t need the hassle of a separate mouse. And just check out the sleekness of it all. Simple and clean is the way to go. Bring on the penguins, Linux!

Logitech Cordless MediaBoard

Interesting times (and some determined coders) have led us to running Linux on the PS3. Naturally, you’d need a keyboard and mouse to effectively navigate through the OS, but Linux-on-PS3 aside, you’d still need these two peripherals for some activities while online in the PlayStation Network.

Logitech is connecting users with their latest input device: the Cordless MediaBoard. It’s built for the PS3 and incorporates both a keyboard and touchpad + vertical scroll-bar to help you guys navigate and set-up profiles, manage accounts, and interact with people online. It’ll be available in this February for US$ 79.99.

The Captain Obvious in me agrees that, aside from it being cordless, the upshot to this is that you wouldn’t need the hassle of a separate mouse. And just check out the sleekness of it all. Simple and clean is the way to go. Bring on the penguins, Linux!

Logitech Cordless MediaBoard

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