Found: New Duke Nukem Forever screenshot printed in Game Informer

Duke Nukem Forever screenshot - Image 1

Some say it’s an Octobrain waving its tentacles around, while others say it’s some sort of gnarly space worm tearing someone apart while it coils around a building. A few even hazard that it’s just Duke firing a shotgun at a tree – a very tall tree at that. Well, whatever it is, the entire gaming community (us writers at QJ included) can’t make heads or tails of the latest screenshot of Duke Nukem Forever, as printed in the latest issue of Game Informer – the image in question can be seen above this article. Click to magnify.

It’s not really obvious what it is, is it? Of course, we can easily make out the buildings, the lightning, the coiled tentacle-like things sprouting from the building –  yet the central part with what looks like blood spatter (or even alien-esque eyes) is almost impossible to make out. And even eagle-eyed screenshot examiners from the official 3DRealms forums can’t pin down just what exactly is being shown, and this fact alone has elicited some mixed reactions about the image – as well as concerns about the title’s release date.

Well, how about you, readers? What do you think is in that screenshot? Let us know by your comments.

Duke Nukem Forever screenshot - Image 1

Some say it’s an Octobrain waving its tentacles around, while others say it’s some sort of gnarly space worm tearing someone apart while it coils around a building. A few even hazard that it’s just Duke firing a shotgun at a tree – a very tall tree at that. Well, whatever it is, the entire gaming community (us writers at QJ included) can’t make heads or tails of the latest screenshot of Duke Nukem Forever, as printed in the latest issue of Game Informer – the image in question can be seen above this article. Click to magnify.

It’s not really obvious what it is, is it? Of course, we can easily make out the buildings, the lightning, the coiled tentacle-like things sprouting from the building –  yet the central part with what looks like blood spatter (or even alien-esque eyes) is almost impossible to make out. And even eagle-eyed screenshot examiners from the official 3DRealms forums can’t pin down just what exactly is being shown, and this fact alone has elicited some mixed reactions about the image – as well as concerns about the title’s release date.

Well, how about you, readers? What do you think is in that screenshot? Let us know by your comments.

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