FW3.02 OE Customizer v1.0
We’ve forgotten already how many times Dark_AleX has left the community drunk and reeling because of his genius. Wasn’t it just yesterday when he showered all of us mana from heaven, which is better known as Customizer Firmware 3.02 OE-A?
For some time now, such releases have always been followed by a similarly nifty homebrew application: BadBoy’s customizer. This time, as you’ve guessed it, is not any different. As the name implies, the Customizer is a tool that helps users customize firmwares to their liking. The latest version supports the features listed below and the actual steps of applying them:
- Change your font/gameboot/sound: Simply put the files(ltn0.pgf, gameboot.pmf or opening_plugin.rco) into the root of your Memory Stick and start the Customizer. Choose a point from the menu, wait a short time and tadaaa.
- Change your background images: Simply put the files(01.bmp, 02.bmp, …) into the root of your Memory Stick and start the Customizer. Choose the background you want to flash, press X, wait a short time and tadaaa
- Change the menu text: Create a dump of Sony‘s Firmware 2.50. Go to flash0/vsh/resource and copy the file topmenu_plugin.rco to your Memory Stick. Just edit the file with a hex-editor. Then start the Customizer and choose the menu point.
- Disable/Enable Network Update: Once you have started the Customizer pick point 8 or 9.
- Dump/Flash registry: Start the customizer and choose point 10 to dump the registry. The files are saved to ms0:/system.dreg and ms0:/system.dreg. To flash the registry again put the two files (system.dreg and system.ireg) in the root of your Memory Stick and choose point 11.
- Dump complete Flash: Choose the last Menupoint and wait a short time. After finish the dump all files are found in ms0:/flash0 and ms0:/flash1
As always, BadBoy reminds everyone that this application has the potential to brick your PSP units. Use it at your own risk and be sure that your battery has been charged at least 50%. Aside from the above mentioned, FW3.02OE Customizer v1.0 also checks first for at least 22MB free space on MS for complete Flash Dump.
BadBoy is good! Rock on!
Download: [FW3.02 OE Customizer v1.0]
We’ve forgotten already how many times Dark_AleX has left the community drunk and reeling because of his genius. Wasn’t it just yesterday when he showered all of us mana from heaven, which is better known as Customizer Firmware 3.02 OE-A?
For some time now, such releases have always been followed by a similarly nifty homebrew application: BadBoy’s customizer. This time, as you’ve guessed it, is not any different. As the name implies, the Customizer is a tool that helps users customize firmwares to their liking. The latest version supports the features listed below and the actual steps of applying them:
- Change your font/gameboot/sound: Simply put the files(ltn0.pgf, gameboot.pmf or opening_plugin.rco) into the root of your Memory Stick and start the Customizer. Choose a point from the menu, wait a short time and tadaaa.
- Change your background images: Simply put the files(01.bmp, 02.bmp, …) into the root of your Memory Stick and start the Customizer. Choose the background you want to flash, press X, wait a short time and tadaaa
- Change the menu text: Create a dump of Sony‘s Firmware 2.50. Go to flash0/vsh/resource and copy the file topmenu_plugin.rco to your Memory Stick. Just edit the file with a hex-editor. Then start the Customizer and choose the menu point.
- Disable/Enable Network Update: Once you have started the Customizer pick point 8 or 9.
- Dump/Flash registry: Start the customizer and choose point 10 to dump the registry. The files are saved to ms0:/system.dreg and ms0:/system.dreg. To flash the registry again put the two files (system.dreg and system.ireg) in the root of your Memory Stick and choose point 11.
- Dump complete Flash: Choose the last Menupoint and wait a short time. After finish the dump all files are found in ms0:/flash0 and ms0:/flash1
As always, BadBoy reminds everyone that this application has the potential to brick your PSP units. Use it at your own risk and be sure that your battery has been charged at least 50%. Aside from the above mentioned, FW3.02OE Customizer v1.0 also checks first for at least 22MB free space on MS for complete Flash Dump.
BadBoy is good! Rock on!
Download: [FW3.02 OE Customizer v1.0]