Galaxy Player v0.1
Newcomer UserXY has released Galaxy Player, the author’s first Lua app. As the ambitious name hints at, the Galaxy Player app does a lot of things. And while it can’t do everything there is to do in the galaxy, it can at least do the things that are worthwhile (like the lotto).
Galaxy Player v0.1 is currently in German but UserXY says that an English version will be in the works. The app has six functions, the most notable being a file manager, music player and picture viewer. Check out the full article for more details.
Download: Galaxy Player v0.1
Download: Galaxy Player v0.1 (Slim)
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
Newcomer UserXY has released Galaxy Player, the author’s first Lua app. As the ambitious name hints at, the Galaxy Player app does a lot of things. And while it can’t do everything there is to do in the galaxy, it can at least do the things that are worthwhile (like the lotto).
The Galaxy Player v0.1 is currently in German but UserXY says that an English version will be in the works. The app has six functions:
- Music Player (currently the app can only play MP3 files)
- Photo Gallery
- File Manager
- Lotto Generator
- Battery Options
- CPU Options
And here are the installation and control notes from UserXY:
Put the Galaxy Player and the Galaxy Player% in the Game Folder of your PSP.
Music Player Controls:
- Select = Confirm
- circle = Music Stop
- triangle= Back to Main Page
- Cross = MP3 File play
Photo Viewer Controls:
- Select = Confirm
- Circle = Back to Photo Viewer
- triangle= Back to Main Page
- Cross = See the Photo
- ONLY for JPEG and PNG Files
- File Manager:
- Cross = Confirm
Download: Galaxy Player v0.1
Download: Galaxy Player v0.1 (Slim)
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums