Galaxy Report presents SWG New Year podcast
Seems like everybody sure is back from their New Year parties. Over at the Star Wars Galaxies vault, the New Year podcast from the Galaxy report has already been posted.
Now, the full show notes basically gives a look-back at the year that was 2006, the holiday fun that went on around, and of course, the expectations for the year ahead. If you wanna be in the know as to these things, then you are most welcome to check it out over at the official site. Of course, we’re pretty sure you have your own ideas as to how to make this year much better than the last, so you might want to send in your own thoughts as well.
To get to it from here, just click on the Read link below.
Seems like everybody sure is back from their New Year parties. Over at the Star Wars Galaxies vault, the New Year podcast from the Galaxy report has already been posted.
Now, the full show notes basically gives a look-back at the year that was 2006, the holiday fun that went on around, and of course, the expectations for the year ahead. If you wanna be in the know as to these things, then you are most welcome to check it out over at the official site. Of course, we’re pretty sure you have your own ideas as to how to make this year much better than the last, so you might want to send in your own thoughts as well.
To get to it from here, just click on the Read link below.