GDC 08: Splash Damage’s new IP to be deeper than Enemy Territory
Enjoying the team-based multiplayer fragfest that is Enemy Territory: Quake Wars for the PC, Sony PS3, and Microsoft Xbox 360? Then you’ll be glad to know that Splash Damage, the game’s main developer, is now working on a completely new IP that should not only be deeper than ET: QW, but also a bit more newbie-friendly. Check out all the details in the full article.
If you’re one of the many FPS enthusiasts currently fighting the good fight against the Strogg (or vice versa), then you’d be happy to know that Splash Damage, the guys behind the Quake games, are confirmed to be working on an entirely-new IP. We don’t have any specifics as to what sort of game it is, but they’ve revealed that not only will it be a completely new action project on the PC, but one that’s deeper than Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (PC, Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PS3) itself.
But don’t be fooled – while it may be deeper, it will also be a bit more user-friendly, in terms of newbies getting the hang of of playing. As Splash Damage owner Paul Wedgwood explains, “Accessibility is the key .The new game will be as deep, or deeper, than Enemy Territory, but easier to get into.”
And it seems that Splash Damage is looking to make itself known on the console scene once more as well, with Texan developer Nerve Software making the console versions of the new IP. Sounds good? Yes, indeed. Updates as we get them, and here’s hoping for some cross-platform multiplayer compatibility this time!